4 Summer night shows Split 2015

Actualité publié le 01/08/2015

Bloodsnow - 4 Summer night shows Split 2015

4 Summer night shows Split 2015

Sheytan's Beauty Got a Baby Doll ( Dolly)

Champion Class

1- day- 1 exc, CAC 

2- day- 1 exc, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BOG 2

3- day- 1 exc, CAC 

4- day- 1 exc, CAC & RCACIB

NEW Croatian Champion !!!! 

Bloodsnow J-League Perfect Striker

young class

1- day- 2 exc

2- day- 1 exc, Junior Dog Winner 

3- day- 2 exc 

4- day- 1 exc, Junior Dog Winner & JBOB

Bloodsnow Jealous Of My Boogie

open class

1- day- 3 exc

2- day- 2 exc, RCAC

3- day- disqualified because she did not want the judge look the teeth sad

4- day- 3 exc

We spent some wonderful days in Split with our friends Michel and Mireille Cayol, fantastic show with very good organization, I hope I can go back next year émoticône grin

Thank you Amandine Choffee and Marion Mametz for entrusting us your dogs 
