Prochaine portée

Actualité publié le 11/05/2016

Bloodsnow - Prochaine portée

We are pleased to announce our next litter 

Sire : Lord Of The Ring Della Contea Normanna 

(International Champion, American Champion, Canadian Champion, Croatian Champion, Vice French Champion, 3rd in open class World Dog Show Salzbourg 2012, Multi JBIS, CACS, CACIB, BOB and BOG)

Dam : Trinacria New York New York 

(European Winner and BOG 2, International Champion, CACS & BOS French championship Paris 2011, 3rd in open class World Dog Show Paris 2011, 2nd RCAS in open class World Dog Show Salzbourg 2012, Multi JBIS, CACS, CACIB, BOB, BOG and BIS)

Thank you very much my friend Emilie Picard for the beautiful ad !!!!
